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• Purpose: Dual-Purpose
• Production: Approx. 250 Large Brown Eggs/Yr.
• Nature: Docile, Easy to Care For
• Broodiness: Rarely
• Cold and Heat Hardy: Yes
• Mature Weight: Approx. 6-7lbs.
Barred Rocks are as beautiful and productive as they are easy to care for. In1620 a travel-weary band of Pilgrims set foot on Plymouth Rock. Years later, an ideal backyard chicken breed was named honoring this famous site. They link the flock owner to American history while yielding abundant eggs and tasty meat. In bygone days when nearly every farm had a chicken flock, the utility and beauty of these birds made them the breed of choice. Few birds are as stunningly regal as a Plymouth Rock strolling across a summer lawn.
With a New England heritage, they don’t let winter blizzards interrupt laying.
Male Chicks are not available to order online, please contact the store for ordering information.