Silver Laced Wyandotte Baby Chick, FEMALE


PRE-ORDER ONLY (Click for order details)
Shipping Not Available - In-Store Pickup Only

• Purpose: Dual Purpose
• Production: Medium, Brown/Cream Colored Eggs
• Disposition: Docile, Calm
• Broody (Likely to Sit): Occasionally
• Cold Tolerance: Better, Heat Tolerance: Better
• Mature Weight: Approx. 5-6lbs.

The Silver Laced is the original Wyandotte variety. Their smooth, silver-white plumage
is sharply marked with lustrous greenish-black edging. Their close-fitting rose comb
and good body size are valuable assets for colder weather and winter laying. Wyandottes have good dispositions which make them an excellent option for families and urban flocks.  
Silver Laced Wyandotte hens lay approximately 245 eggs per year.

Male Chicks are not available to order online, please contact the store for ordering information.

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