Duke Highbush Blueberry, 2-Gallon


Vaccinium corymbosum Duke (Highbush Blueberry)

Height: 5-6 Feet
Spread: 5-6 Feet
Hardiness Zone: 4-8

  • Early ripening
  • High-yielding
  • Delicious, sweet-tasting and slightly tart berries
  • Berries are large and deep blue
  • Great for fresh eating
  • One of the best berries for freezing

Start your blueberry picking season off right with this excellent selection that offers high yields and sweet, seductive taste on big, deep blue berries starting in early July. This slightly tart, very firm berry is perfect for fresh eating but also one of the best berries for freezing, allowing you to enjoy 'Duke' long after its profuse crop has been picked.
Typically arrives in our nursery late March/early April.
