Jelly Bean® Blueberry Bush, 2-Gallon


Vaccinium corymbosum hybrid Bushel and Berry® Jelly Bean® ('ZF06-179') Patent PP24662

Height: 1-2 Feet
Spread: 1-2 Feet
Hardiness Zone: 4-8 

  • Prolific harvest of medium sized fruits
  • Dwarf globular shape
  • Colorful fall foliage of green leaves with red margin
  • Compact, a great selection for growing in a large patio container!
  • Pick fruit right from your patio!

Everyone is looking for a dwarf Blueberry to use in the landscape but the varieties available invariably disappoint due to poor fruiting or poor growing. Jelly Bean® changes all that in the form of a dense, compact, small leaved plant that produces masses of medium sized, dark blue, incredibly tasty blue berries in July and early August. It is so prolific and such an easy care, easy to grow plant that you won't know where to use it first, grouped to form a fruiting small, formal hedge in any sunny garden or in a container where you can pick right from your back door. Add in spectacular fall foliage color and you have a small Blueberry that will be a big winner in your garden.
Typically arrives in our nursery late March/early April.
