Best Hummingbird Feeder Brush Set SE607


This set is perfect for keeping your Hummingbird and Oriole feeders clean and safe for the birds to enjoy! A clean feeder attracts more birds and keeps birds healthy. The set includes one Best Port and Beed Guard Brush, and one Best Two-in-One Hummingbird and Tube Brush. The only brush kit that can clean every part of every Oriole and Hummingbird feeder!

  • Best Port and Bee Guard Brush: The two ends of the brush have differently shaped bristles, fitted to clean both bee guards and ports! 8" long and easy to grip, this brush is less cumbersome than other hummingbird port brushes
  • Best Two-In-One Hummingbird and Feeder Brush: This 14" double-ended brush has long-lasting nylon bristles that don't scratch surfaces. Great for hummingbird feeder bases & bottles as well as tube-shaped seed feeders
  • Proudly Made in the USA

*Clean hummingbird feeders every 3 to 5 days to prevent the growth of bacteria. Wash with hot water and a mild detergent and sanitize with a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and hot water. Rinse your brushes thoroughly before hanging to dry.
