Northland Highbush Blueberry, 2-Gallon


Vaccinium corymbosum Northland

Height: 3-5 Feet
Spread: 4-5 Feet
Hardiness Zone: 3-8 

  • Very compact
  • Native
  • High yield of fruit
  • Easy to grow
  • Attracts bees, birds, and butterflies
  • Great fall foliage color

One of the hardiest Highbush Blueberries available, 'Northland' is also one of the most compact blueberry bushes, yielding loads of fruit on a dense, rounded bush. While we humans love the easy to grow nature of blueberries, their great landscape look, and, of course, their luscious fruit, these plants are also an essential part of any living landscape. 'Northland's' May blooming flowers are a great source of early season nectar for native bees and butterflies while its summer fruit is a songbird magnet, so much so you might find it hard to get any yourself! Small mammals also prize the fruit while the plant provides needed cover for birds and mammals for nesting. 'Northland' tolerates dry, acidic, poor soils, grows well even in partial shade, and tops off the year with a riveting display of searing purplish-red fall foliage color. This is one American Beauties plant that everyone will love!
Typically arrives in our nursery late March/early April.
