Wild Ginger, 1-Gallon


Asarum canadense

  • Rounded, deep green, cup-like leaves
  • Tight, low, spreading rug of green
  • Provides protection for native garden critters
  • Purplish-brown flowers
  • Native

Category: Perennial
Breeder: American Beauties Native Plants
Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Height: 8-10 in
Spread: 8-10 in
Bloom Color: Purple Shades

There's not a shade garden anywhere that won't benefit from the presence of this American Beauties native! Rounded, deep green, cup-like leaves form a tight, low, spreading rug of green that is subtle yet distinctive in the garden. This low hugging foliage provides low protection for native garden critters and also provides protection for purplish-brown flowers that are tightly nestled on short stems by the lower cup of the foliage where it meets the leaf stem. While not overly aggressive in growth, Wild Ginger is a unique looking landscape presence that thrives in moist, well-drained soils.

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