Outdoor Power Equipment
Whether you're maintaining a small backyard or operating a professional lawn care service, Ellington Agway has the expert advice and quality outdoor power equipment you need!
We offer an extensive Parts selection, dependable Service by a team of factory-certificated mechanics, and a large inventory of the latest equipment from brands like John Deere, STIHL, Honda, Ariens, Gravely, and DR Power. Call or visit us today!
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product title link Cold Tolerant Hanging Basket, 12-Inch
Agway NurseryAVAILABLE SEASONALLYAnnual FlowersHanging Baskets are a great way to add color anywhere you'd like. Pansies, Violas or a mixture of cold tolerant a...
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product title link 3-in-1 Cold Climate Sweet Cherry Tree, 7-Gallon
Agway NurseryAVAILABLE SEASONALLYPrunus avium 3-in-1 Cold ClimateHeight: 18-20 FeetSpread: 18-20 FeetHardiness Zone: 5-8 3 varieties of Cherries grafted onto 1...
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