Hoffman Marble Maze River Gravel is a decorative soil cover that can be used indoors or outdoors to help retain soil moisture & reduce compaction caused by frequent watering. Great for potted or bedding plants.
2 dry quarts (5-lbs.)
Hoffman Marble Maze River Gravel is a decorative soil cover that can be used indoors or outdoors to help retain soil moisture & reduce compaction caused by frequent watering. Great for potted or bedding plants.
2 dry quarts (5-lbs.)
Top Soil is ideal for filling holes & leveling areas in your yard or garden. All natural and ready to use. Available in a 0.75 cu. ft. bag.
Your potted plants deserve the best. Their roots can’t seek out nutrition in the ground, so you have to bring it to them. That’s why Happy Frog® Po...
product item link View full detailsPelletized limestone offers you the best quality and value over pulverized and granular lime. Pellets are easy to spread with little dust. Water-ac...
product item link View full detailsA classic soil amendment made from well-rotted cow manure and bagged for convenience. Great for new and established lawns, vegetable or flower gard...
product item link View full detailsOur most popular potting soil, Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, fish...
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